Friday, July 9, 2021

Fertilizers for the growth of flowers and fruits in a plant

 Fertilizers for the growth of flowers and fruits 

Your soil needs fertilizers which should be rich in following nutrients:

Phosphorus and potassium 

Stimulate root growth 

Help plants to set buds and flowers 

Helps in increasing the size of a seed 

You can use bone meal for Phosphorus

Broadcast kelp meal for potassium 

Or you can just mix them together for the better results

Sugar based supplements 

It acts as flower stimulator 

It increase flower metabolism and overall sugar content in fruits and flowers resulting in strong flavours and a better taste 

for sugar supplements you can use

Molasses , cellmax BIO 8-2-2

# another factor responsible for the flowering in plants that is sunlight 

When days become shorter than the nights , plant hormones changes and send a signal to plants and then pants start flowering 

Broadcast kelp meal for potassium :

Cellmax BIO 8-2-2 :

Molasses fertilizers:

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Facts related to rose


Rose are one of the Oldest flowers 

Archaeologists have discovered rose fossils that date back 35 million years. Even more shocking, the oldest living rose is 1,000 years old.

Rose is the National flower of USA 

Most expensive rose (Juliet Rose) 

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but would have a much lower price tag. Famous rose breeder David Austin spent 15 years and $5 million breeding a rare rose variety that he called Juliet. The Juliet rose sold for $15.8 million in 2006, which is the world's most expensive rose cultivar.

Characteristics of Juliet flower 

Colour: Glowing apricot

Flowering: Repeat Flowering

Fragrance: Strong, Tea

Size: Large Shrub

 140cm 125cm

Bloom Size: Medium

Source :

Thursday, July 1, 2021

How to grow pineapple at home ?

Ananas comosus

Scientific name of pineapple

Family: Bromeliaceae

How to propagate pineapple at your home :

1) Take fresh pine apple 

2) Eat the edible part 

3) Cut off the crown 

4) Let the crown dry for one day 

5) Put the crown in water till it start sprouting 

6) After sprouting, plant the crown in soil.

7) Fruit will be there in 1-2 year 

Facts related to ghost orchids

 Ghost orchid

Dendrophylax lindenii, the ghost orchid (a common name also used for Epipogium aphyllum) is a perennial epiphyte from the orchid family (Orchidaceae). It is native to Florida and Cuba. Other common names include palm polly and white frog orchid.

Dendrophylax lindenii is a leafless epiphyte in the tribe Vandeae, in the subfamily Epidendroideae. The plant consists mainly of a network of photosynthetic roots on a tree trunk. Its habitat is moist, swampy forest in south-western Florida, and Caribbean islands such as Cuba.

This orchid is exceptional among the monocots in that it consists of a greatly reduced stem, and its leaves have been reduced to scales. The flat, cord-like green roots constitute the bulk of the mature plant. They bear distinctive white "track marks", for which the technical term is pneumatodes, which are believed to function partly like stomata, enabling the photosynthetic roots to perform the gas exchange necessary for respiration and photosynthesis. Chloroplasts in these flattened roots perform nearly all the plant's photosynthesis. Their outer layer is an example of the velamen typical of most epiphytic orchids. Its functions include the absorption of nutrients and water, and admission of light for photosynthesis.

The plants are intolerant of water with high levels of dissolved salts; this will result in the roots dying off from the tips. Continued exposure to chlorinated tap water will usually kill these plants, with the tips of the roots yellowing and rapidly dying back to the reduced stem.

Fertilizers for the growth of flowers and fruits in a plant

 Fertilizers for the growth of flowers and fruits  Your soil needs fertilizers which should be rich in following nutrients: Phosphorus and p...